API Usage Instructions

API Endpoint

Base URL: https://ip.apiwala.app/

1. Fetch Information for a Specific IP Address

Use this endpoint to get information about a specific IP address.

Request URL



  • ip: The IP address you want to look up. Replace {ipaddress} with the actual IP address.




The response will contain details such as location, time zone, language, coordinates, country, continent, and ISP information for the specified IP address.

2. Fetch Information for the Client's IP Address

Use this endpoint to get information about the client's IP address (the IP address making the request).

Request URL



  • No parameters are needed.




The response will contain details about the client's IP address, including location, time zone, language, coordinates, country, continent, and ISP information.

Response Format

The API returns a JSON object with the following fields:

  • response: Status of the request (success or error).
  • ip: The IP address being queried.
  • time: Time-related information including time zone, UTC offset, and local time.
  • language: Language details such as code and name.
  • coordinate: Latitude, longitude, and radius of the location.
  • country: Country details including code, name, and dial code.
  • continent: Continent details including code and name.
  • local: Local information including name, state, code, and pincode.
  • currency: Currency details including code, name, and symbol.
  • isp: ISP details including number and organization.

Example Response

{ "response": "success", "ip": "", "time": { "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles", "utc_offset": "UTC-08:00", "local_time": "2024-Aug-18 10:44:08 am" }, "language": { "code": "en_US", "name": "English (United States)" }, "coordinate": { "latitude": "37.38605", "longitude": "-122.08385", "radius": 20 }, "country": { "code": "US", "name": "United States", "dial_code": "+1" }, "continent": { "code": "NA", "name": "North America" }, "local": { "name": "Mountain View", "state": "California", "code": "CA", "pincode": "94043" }, "currency": { "currency_code": "USD", "currency_name": "United States Dollar", "currency_symbol": "$" }, "isp": { "number": 12345, "organization": "Google LLC" } }